Thursday, November 01, 2007

The PC lobby that wants to 'downgrade' Christmas!

Christmas should be downgraded in favour of festivals from other religions to improve race relations, says an explosive report.

What a load of b******s! I've NEVER heard even one person from a non-Christian religion sincerely say that they are offended by Christians celebrating Christmas. What you DO often hear is people from other religions complaining about how debased Western culture has become. Does this mean that lobbying groups suggest that we clean up our TV and print media, and encourage women to dress more modestly? Of course they don't! Yet this is the very thing which WOULD have a superb chance at making making such religions (particularly Muslim) from disliking us.

The fact that they are suggesting one thing (which would hardly have any effect at all in improving 'race relations'), yet recoil from another (which WOULD almost certainly improve relations), shows their real agenda.

Whats that?

The answer is, quite simply, to destroy OUR culture.

Think about it. Even atheists in the west enjoy celebrating Christmas. How many atheists do you know who get offended at Christmas? Who would protest to stop it being celebrated? The fact is that even people in countries like the UK, US, Canada and Australia who don't consider themselves to be Christians are, in many ways, deeply Christian CULTURALLY. Its too ingrained in our history, language and sense of morality to just casually shake off in a generation or two.


Keoni Galt said...

What you DO often hear is people from other religions complaining about how debased Western culture has become. Does this mean that lobbying groups suggest that we clean up our TV and print media, and encourage women to dress more modestly?

The fact that they are suggesting one thing (which would hardly have any effect at all in improving 'race relations'), yet recoil from another (which WOULD almost certainly improve relations), shows their real agenda.

Whats that?

The answer is, quite simply, to destroy OUR culture.

This is so patently obvious, it's amazing to see just how many useful idiots buy into this garbage without making such an obvious comparison.

Excellent point!

mike savell said...

No,I don't believe that they are trying to destroy our culture ,I
think they have done that already,
what they really want to destroy is christianity itself.It is all part of marxist theory.