iPhone is the first user-centric mobile?: Whatever you think of it, the iPhone is the first real example of a user-centric mobile device. It represents the first time someone has sat down and said: "Let's consider what the customer really wants and what they really need - and even better, we will build in the usability they crave."
The failing media giants: The internet has put the audience in control while traditional media is still trying to call the shots. Well, they have already lost the battle - the genie is out of the bottle and there is no going back.
Robotics: Intel researchers are using electric-field sensors to build pre-touch technology into robots to help them size up objects and people they encounter
Robotic facial expressions: Meet the WD-2, a robot that looks just like, well, just like anyone. It has a face made of a rigid yet elastic material called Septom, which, when rods are pushed into the rear surface at any of 17 key points, changes its shape to mimic human expression.
Online mapping: DigitalGlobe, provider of imagery for Google Earth, said a new high-resolution satellite will boost the accuracy of its satellite images and flesh out its archive.
Brain science: A primary mystery puzzling neuroscientists -- where in the brain lies intelligence" -- just may have a unified answer.
Artificial intelligences: Will super smart AIs keep humans around as pets?
USB3: will boost peripherals to multi-gigabit speeds by 2010
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