Monday, March 17, 2008

Labour's Harriet Harman proposes new anti-white male law

Equality law could bar white men from jobs

How far will they push the men in this country before they actually DO something - ANYTHING - to fight back? This government is quite happy to send white men off to get killed and maimed in the middle east, yet it now wants to introduce a law to block such men from safe jobs. And you can bet that this law would be widely used for the many easy, comfy jobs there are in the rest of the public sector - excluding positions like dustmen, which I'm sure these evil politicians are happy for the men to keep working at.

There are not words decent enough to be published on this site to express my sentiments towards this woman. Suffice to say that if she was on fire, I wouldn't even urinate on her.


Mercurior said...

i can forsee a bloody revolution. the more these laws pass the more men will get angry, the angrier men get the scarier it will be for those women who degrade men.

They cannot see they are creating their own demise. the time of bread and circuses is going to end, and when it does the barbarians (men) will invade.

in the next 20 years if not sooner, there will be a bloody revolution, men are the ones in the army, navy, airforce, police. and when they see they are worthless. they will fight.

Anonymous said...

Mercurior, I totally agree with your comment.

My only question would be, who is going let all those men, "in the army, navy, airforce, etc" know that they are being screwed ?

Blogs are good for getting the message out, but would you agree that a more radical form of activism is needed if true change is to be implemented?

To all men reading this and other blogs, I plead with you to begin revolting against a country that has long betrayed you and your fathers. Your leaders have commited treason on several occasions. Your police chiefs wont protect you, neither will the courts of your country. Begin now.

Revolutions always begin with groups of men plotting in dark corners and soon, perhaps even very soon, drastic change will emerge into the light.

Anonymous said...

How far will they push the men in this country before they actually DO something - ANYTHING - to fight back?

It's white (heterosexual) men, not men in general they're attacking. Feminism is part of a wider Marxist assault, which includes "anti-racism" and gay activism. The same feminists who talk about the horrors of rape are also in favour of immigration from countries where rape is far more common. And they don't point out that certain groups rape far more often and far more viciously than white men. See this blog entry:

Anonymous said...

Mercurior and anonymous,

This could all be over tomorrow if the men in this country stood up for themselves. Okay, maybe it wouldn't be completely over, but it would be the beginning of the end. Anonymous: whilst blogs are not enough, they are a great starting point, particularly if they can wake up or support some journalists working for the main media.


The fact that these feminist and left-wing types are keeping silent about the fact that, proportionally, white men are far less likely to rape, shows that they aren't interested in protecting women from rape, they are interested in attacking white men.

Anonymous said...

Darren - thanks for your comments, but I'm not Tottenham Lad, just a fan of his blog.

The fact that these feminist and left-wing types are keeping silent about the fact that, proportionally, white men are far less likely to rape, shows that they aren't interested in protecting women from rape, they are interested in attacking white men.

Exactly. But feminists wouldn't end rape if they could: it's too useful to them in all sorts of ways.

Mercurior said...

anonymous there will come a critical point, if you look at the papers, theres slightly more pro male stories than was 5 years ago, its building, slowly.

i am not totally comfortable with radical activism. Some of the fathers4 people did a disservice to men in general. Not that i blame them.

Talking on blogs and forums, where most of the posters are men, where most of the creators of them are men. its a step. i tell my friends whats happening, and they tell others. thats the true power of males.

I talk, to everyone, to try to bring some balance to some sites, which are anti male. and i have had an effect, thats my contribution to it.